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We need your help to stay in school


From the time we were founded our mission at FNKDO has always been to help underprivileged children access better living conditions and an education. We house 8 children who have been attending school in Haiti for the past 5 years. Our children enjoy and excel in school. We must raise $3,000 in the next coming weeks in order to afford to send all of our children back to school. The futures of these children are at stake. We hope we can count on you. Many Thanks!



Our Mission

The FNKDO Orphanage offers help to children with little hope of having a better life. It strives to provide them with hope and tools to regain life and live it to the fullest. Our goal is a child-centered and solution- oriented program.


Truly I tell you whatever you do to the least of these, you did to me.   

Mathew 25:40

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